About Fedot
Russian Theatre-studio, Alkonost presents a production of Leonid Filatov's satirical fairy tale, About Fedot the Archer in Russian.
A synopsis of the play in English will be provided at the door. The show is suitable for adults and children.
About Fedot the Archer is a satirical fairy tale written by Leonid Filatov, who is one of the modern Russia's best loved film actors. In his play he uses elements and characters from Russian folklore to portray the socio-political situation in his country. Filatov talks about the never-ending patience and ingenuity of ordinary Russian people and their complex relationship with those in power. His play is both funny and somewhat disturbing.
Theatre-studio Alkonost was formed about a year ago as a training opportunity for young actors and as a platform for experimental theatre. We aim to stage classical and modern plays, and to play at least a small part in the dialogue between Russian and British cultures. Considering the high interest towards Russian language and literature amongst the British public, we aim to give performances in English as well as in Russian. Alkonost is a bird of joy in Slavonic mythology, and we hope to bring light and happiness to our audience through our art, as the bird did through its singing. About Fedot the Archer is our first production.
Про Федота-Стрельца
Тетральная студия Алконост представляет спектакль по сатирической сказке Леонида Филатова Про Федота-Стрельца (На Русском языке)
Театральная студия Алконост была открыта около года назад. Мы планируем постановки классических и современных пьес, и хотели-бы сыграть определённую роль в укреплении диалога между Русской и Английской культурами. Принимая во внимание повышенный интерес Британского зрителя к Русскому языку и литературе, мы планируем давать представления как на Русском так и на Английском языках. Мы стремимся доставить радость нашим зрителям нашей игрой, так-же как достовлял её Алконост своим пением. Сказка Про Федота-Стрельца будет нашим первым спектаклем.