Desperate Improvisations
The dramatised reading of "Desperate Improvisations" was a joyous and inspirational project for me. I fell in love with the play at first glance, or at the first read perhaps; and working on it in the reading format only strengthened that opinion and I do believe that it will have a very good scenic life.
Jan's script has an element of a game written into it and that allows an actor to be also a clown, a jester and to exersice their sense of humor to the full. Not many plays allow for that. But at the same time the narrative is tense, and funny is intermingled with dramatic, and sometimes even tragic, moments. Being an author and generally a creative person is not easy and that's what the play is truly about. Our imagination is an extremely powerful force and it is to be reckoned with and to be used with caution, the playwright reminds us. In our cinical world such a reminder is much needed!!!
The cast: Matthew Dexter; Michael Danvers-Walker; Frederic D'Amore, Alyn Green, Howard Del Monte.
Written by Jan Hendrik Verstraten
Directed by Dimitry Devdariani
Performed at the Cockpit Theatre, London in November 2005.